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We had for our dinner some of our fresh pork with sliced potatoe warmed in the gravy, spinnage & some of the evaporated apple you sent made into apple pie. it tasted very bright & fresh one would think it were right from the tree it was so tasty.

During this next week we are going to have some entertaining. she is going to entertain Clo Hegan Florence Hickey & Mrs Lambert at her expense. they are to play cards. I shall not be obliged to stay around in the room with them only as much as I am a mind to. it will be company for us both. much better than to be left alone for several hours, as I am when she goes off some where to play cards. 

The fire men turned out on our street one day this last week, the fire started in leaves on Clines old place & came near the barn but prompt work soon put it out before it did reached the building so didn't do much damage. I was interested till I found out where it was. do you remember how you & Pa used to go off to fires the minute you heard the fire alarm sound you used to carry the coats for them. Pa was just nervous enough to enjoy such work.

Its now getting cool up in the front chamber so will stop writing & go make up the fire in the little stove down stairs. love Ma.