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lord knows it must be in her make up, she is on the town now. but it dont worry her.

I am sitting up stairs beside my xmas box where I can look at the presents you sent me its a great pleasure to look them over. I have just taken out that blue robe & put it on over my dress to keep me warm very comfortable it seems as the day is not any to warm without any sun up here writing the letter.

That table cover with birds & leaves did you make it? seems so pretty & nice to look at then those remnants of blue cloth are so pretty. figs & dales, & candy, I must be careful to eat sparingly. I have been reading the books Tawny is very interesting. dogs are human also those other two pocket editions. I think you sent me a lot. I never made any this year. Lenas bag she sent me this year was very nice & handsome the one she sent me before I never have used.

There came out in my Enterprise Obituaries Onie Smiths death. he was Abbie Joels brothers son. you remember after his first wife died. Abbie Joel took his babie daughter & brought her up till she finally married. she is still living I suppose. Well Doris will soon be coming here to do he studying again & you will be left alone. hope you have enjoyed her vacation. I will go down stairs as its dinner time now more sun this afternoon no snow in sight thank be love Ma.