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Stoughton December 1st 1948

Dear Doris

A nice sunny day after our snow storm of Sunday night, we had about six or eight inches of the dam stuff. I got up Monday morning early & while I was sweeping the off my front porch a boy with a snow shovel came up & asked if I wanted my path. I told him to go ahead as now my milk boy leaves my milk at the front door instead of at the back and its much easier for us all. 

The boys are coasting down the hill away into the evening children always enjoy snow. I hope you escaped the snow & with Doris your xmas will be gay. I had a letter from Dolores on a pretty card she is going to spend her xmas with her grandparents she says. guess it will be a good time for her. I am afraid her home folks don't half appreciate the little girl, she seems to have a lovely disposition we think.

Early Monday your package arrived Lenas also came by the same post they were left in the front hall beside the front entrance, where they will remain till I open them on xmas morning. I received a pretty card from Gertrude Ballantine early this morning with her address & name on the corner I always likeded her & she never forgets to remember me. The rest of the family are different. Miss Seriac has got rid of them I guess its a