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I hired a boy to shovel me out early

Stoughton December 19th 1948

Dear Doris

We are having colder weather. this day in the morning the temperature was down below 20° & its still going down radio says to 10° tonight hope it dont snow. although its very cloudy. I get up every morning to look out the window to see if it has snowed during the night. The little dog is out early this time. he came over while I was sifting ashes this morning out of the back door. 

We got oil yesterday. if this kind of weather continues the rest of the month, I guess we shall need it. we turn on the heat a little while in the afternoon, so to warm up the bath room then make up the fire in the little stove around four O'clock during this extreme cold weather.
Doris is home by now I suppose you are celebrating. hope you have a good xmas and everything passes off all right.

People are going off to church. The Silvers son has just brought home their little baby to his grandma & driven off in their car.
Mrs. Barry has just gone to church with the Reynolds brother & Bertha. she got out of her car to come up with another can of grape jelly