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Stoughton November 21st 1948

Dear Doris, 
Am sending along this letter that came to me yesterday, as I thought you folks would be more able to answer it, than any body else. I know nothing about the taxes never was used to business affairs. Pa took such things on to his own hands, as you know always. I hope you & Sidney can work it out so every thing will be satisfactorily settled without much trouble to all hands conserned. The longer I live, the less help I am in this world. the only thing one lives to find they should be thankful for, they don't suffer from ill health. 
This is a beautiful day & not very cold around 40° early this morning. our wind has gone down & so far no sign of snow to make slippery going. we have had lots of windy weather & it rained very easy for two days & nights. 
She has gone to church this morning got very tired at the church fair & hoarse from telling fortunes. after a great many hours of constant talk 15 stood in line to be told but she had to quit the business as she was completely exhausted. I don't know of any body who can tell the things in lives that she does. she tells them things that nobody knows but the ones she is telling to & to beware of something that happens long time afterwards she seems to see things a way into the future. I think it must take it out of her & she don't want to make it a practice. as perhaps it is against her religion.