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We are living very economically now before our thanksgiving. I think turkeys are very scarce. we are waiting till next Tuesday to see if our grocery man can get us a small one, we don't want one to last us a fortnight as it gets on our nerves, we get so sick of eating the same thing over & over again. do you think Doris is coming out here then its been a long time since she was in Stoughton. I have most forgotten how she looks. I hope she can see her way to be with us Thursday, & hope the ground will be free from ice & snow.          

Frank Reynolds has fixed up his old car so one would hardly know it to be so old. he seems to be quite happy since his sister came to live there. I hope you will be able to see the new part she lives in, it is immaculate. every nook & corner has some use. where he puts his car is a building that adjoins the new part, so you don't have to step outside to get into his car. it seems to be well planned by them both. it seems they were both very lucky that they remained single.
None of the old Capen family are living. My mother used to be very fond of Robert Johnathan & Adam Capen years ago when they went to school. they were regular old stand bys. I have wanted to see a picture of Abbie Joel have almost forgotten how she looked. I suppose Frank Reynolds would have an old picture album taken. she was own cousin their mothers were sisters. Abbie Joel was 83 years when she died I think.

We are going to have the remains of our boil dinner corn beef and cabbage with layer cake for desert she is just coming home now I must unlock the door for her & let her in.
love Ma.