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Stoughton Nov 18th, 1948

Dear Doris.  We are having a rainy day warm but going to clear cold by Tomorrow, so the predictions say. Tomorrow is the day of the church fair & she is going to tell fortunes, dressed as an old woman. she is going to wear grandmothers old shawl 200 years old. the one I wore, you have the pictures of. I guess she may get home early around 6 O'clock she thinks. I guess this rain will be good for the trees that Turner set out over to the old house. & put out fires if any get started from so many dry leaves around. Our little dog has been over three times today he sees me at the window & over he comes if he gets into the house its hard work to get him out he thinks he owns this house. we cant feed him much things are so scarce. we paid Laura .69 for eggs
love Ma.