Viewing page 137 of 150

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[[Left Margin]] Leave out these numbers [/Left Margin]]
[[3 columned table]]
| --- | --- | --- | 
| 1 | Andrew Ferguson | Tony Frazier ✓ |
| 2 | Robert Murry | Primus Adams |
| 3 | Stephen Haines ✓ | Paris Irving ✓ |
| 4 | Thomas Cooper | Edward Johnson ✓ |
| 5 | Simon Funk ✓ | Adam Rozer or River ✓ |
| 6 | Joseph Warren | George Rozer or River ✓ |
| 7 | John Foster | Moses Aiken |
| 8 | Robins Bohen | Marcus Hayward |
| 9 | James Anderson | Levi Brown |
| 10 | Scipio Middleton ✓ | William Grant |
| 11 | James Wilson | William Lock |
| 12 | Beverly Dobson ✓ | John Pierson |
| 13 | Henry Carter ✓ | William Hayward |
| 14 | Alexander Melton ✓ | Samuel Hayward ✓ |
| 15 | Edward Dayton ✓ | James Rose |
| 16 | Abraham Buck | [[strikethrough]] Scipio Middleton [[/strikethrough]] |
| 17 | Adam Johnson | Jackson Brayden |
| 18 | Cudjo Washington | Bob. Ogburn |
| 19 | Abram Bone | Ben Grove |
| 20 | Pompey Gilinett | Sam. Grove |
| 21 | Charles Jackson | William Henry |
| 22 | Henry Way | Micheal Falke |
| 23 | George M Frazier | Abram Lee |
| 24 | George Simmons | Sam Barley |
| 25 | Peter Tanner | Sam. Pursur |
| 26 | Isaac Simmons | Ben. Greene |
| 27 | Cato Washington | Drayton Washington | 

Transcription Notes:
column of numbers has a line striking out all numbers.