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August 5, 1955

Members of the Constitution Revisions
Committee, 12th Annual Convention, NCAI

FROM: Helen L. Peterson, Executive Director

First of all I wish to let you know that Mr. Clarence Wesley, upon being asked to serve as Chairman of this Committee said he felt this was a very heavy responsibility and wished that it be shared with someone else.  Mr. Wesley also expressed his feeling that Mr. Garry, even though President, ought to work with one of the committees.  Mr. Garry has, therefore, agreed to share the responsibility of this Committee with Mr. Wesley and your Co-Chairmen will be, therefore, Mr. Garry and Mr. Wesley.

Mr. Garry and Mr. Wesley agreed it might save time and result in more careful study of proposed changes if I would put in  writing the various suggestions that have been made from time to time and get them out to you for your study before the Convention.  Therefore, enclosed is a copy of the Constitution as amended last year in Omaha (blue cover) and enclosed is a copy of proposed revisions (yellow).  Mr. Wesley and Mr. Garry and I have discussed the major changes proposed here as I have discussed them with most of you on occasions when you were in Washington.

You will notice that the major changes are:

1. To drop the category of Chapter Membership.  A number of tribal officials have raised questions about the wisdom of such NCAI organizations on reservations; with respect to Indians from various tribes living in cities who have wished to form a chapter, there has been considerable difficulty in defining what such chapters could do or should do for the organizations.  Since they often come from different reservations and often have not lived on reservations during their entire lifetime, they often are seeking a different kind of program or activity than that needed in NCAI's work of supporting tribes in their reservation objectives.

2. The biggest change, of course, is in electing from the Convention floor the members to serve on the Executive Council.  Under the proposed new revision, each TRIBAL MEMBER of the organization would certify its official representative to the Executive Council.  This would mean that any tribe which joined would automatically be able to name its representative to the governing body and would also mean that when the tribe ceases to pay dues or otherwise become an inactive member it would no longer have a voice on the NCAI Executive Council.  It would also mean that if tribal elections take place or the governing body of the tribe wishes for any other reason to change its representative on the Executive Council of NCAI it can do so merely by notifying the NCAI.