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1952 Version with 1953 Revision

Constitution added


We, the members of Indian tribes of the United States of America invoking the Divine guidance of Almighty God in order to secure to ourselves and our descendants the rights and benefits to which we are entitled under the laws of the United States, the several states thereof, and the territory of Alaska; to enlighten the public toward a better understanding of the Indian race; to preserve Indian cultural values; to seek an equitable adjustment of tribal affairs; to secure and preserve rights under Indian treaties or agreements with the United States; and otherwise to promote the common welfare of the American Indians do establish this organization and adopt the following Constitution and By-laws:

Article I - Name and Headquarters

The name of this organization shall be the National Congress of American Indians with headquarters in Washington, D.C.

Article II - Membership

Section 1. Membership in the National Congress of American Indians shall be of three classes:
a. Individual Memberships. Any person of Indian ancestry may become a member of the National Congress of American Indians.
c [[strikethrough]] b. [[/strikethrough]] Chapter Membership. Any organization which shall certify to the eligibility of its members for [[strikethrough]] national [[/strikethrough]] individual membership is eligible to chapter membership.
b [[strikethrough]] c. [[/strikethrough]] Tribal membership. Any bona fide Indian tribe is eligible to tribal membership.
Article III - Conventions

Section 1. The National Congress of American Indians shall hold an annual convention, the city and date to be determined by the Executive Council.
Section 2. Representation:
a. Each person holding individual membership shall be entitled to attend and have one vote.
b. Each tribe or chapter shall be entitled to send any member as official representative with one vote. per chapter, and 2 to 10 votes per tribe depending on its size in accordance with Article VI, Section 3 hereof.


Transcription Notes:
Edited: omit circles and underlines. Researchers look for words, not symbols or format. Not sure how to note the circled word "Constitution" and the word "added" above the preamble, so I left them out. I'm also not sure if the circle around the word "to" in section c of article II is meant to delete the word, so I left it out.