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Executive Committee

Section 1. Membership.
The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, the First Vice-President, and the ten Vice-Presidents, with the President serving as chairman.

Section 2. Powers.
During the interval between meetings of the Executive Council, the Executive Committee shall have full authority to act for the Executive Council in any way in which the Executive Council would be authorized to act, except that it is not authorized to amend this Constitution, nor to reverse any action taken by the Executive Council. Any action taken by the Executive Committee shall by immediately reported by mail by the Executive Director to the Executive Council; provided that no action of the Executive Committee shall be contrary to this Constitution and By-Laws.

Membership Dues

Minimum annual membership dues shall be payable as prescribed in the By-Laws.


Section 1. Individual members paying minimum dues shall be entitled to receive the NCAI Bulletin.

Section 2. Member-tribes shall be entitled to receive all NCAI publications. Within the budgetary limitations of the organization, or upon special arrangement and/or reimbursement, they shall also be entitled to such special legislative, research, public relations and other services as the organization is able to and may lawfully provide.


The National Congress of American Indians shall not engage in nor lend itself to partisan political activity.


Executive Committee

Section 1. Selection & Membership
During its meeting, which shall be held immediately following the election of officers, the Executive Council shall choose an Executive Committee which shall serve during the same term as the Treasurer. The Executive Committee shall consist of members of the Executive Council as follows:  All elected officers, the Treasurer, and six tribal representatives. The President shall serve as chairman of the Executive Committee. It may vote by mail or telegraph addressed to the chairman who shall certify the results to the Executive Director.

No change proposed in Section 2.

Membership Dues

(It has been suggested that annual dues of member tribes be amended so that income will come closer to meeting the needs set up in the annual budget. However, no specific change in the dues payment schedule set fort in the By-Laws has been proposed.) No change in language of Article VII proposed.

No changed proposed in Articles VIII or IX.