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Resolution No. 9: Mr. DeMers asked Mr. McNickle to present the next three resolution. Mr. McNickle presented Resolution No. 9, which requests the Secretary of the Interior to designate as the Indian person authorized under Executive Order 8930, dated November 1, 1941, to sit as a representative on the Policy Board of the National Indian Institute, an Indian who shall be recommended by the National Congress of American Indians. Mr. McNickle moved that the resolution be adopted and Mr. Cross seconded the motion. The resolution was adopted unanimously. 

Resolution No. 10: Mr. McNickle presented Resolution No. 10 requesting that the National Congress of American Indians make known to the members of Congress its wishes that public fund be appropriated for the prior and necessary expenses of the national Indian Institute in order that it may function as intended. Mr. McNickle moved that the resolution be adopted. Mr. Cross seconded it. The resolution was adopted by unanimous vote. 

Resolution No. 11: Mr. McNickle presented Resolution No. 11 requesting that the Executive Council of the National Congress of American Indians take such steps as may be necessary to bring about a cooperative arrangement with the National Opinion Research Center of Denver, Colorado, including the raising and expending of funds, in order to carry out a survey of Indian opinion. No questions were raised relative to this resolution. Motion was made and seconded that the resolution be adopted. The resolution was adopted by unanimous vote. 

Resolution No. 12: The Resolution Committee presented Resolution No. 12, requesting that the Secretary of the Interior and the Commissioner of Indian Affairs and all other public officials give their regard and consideration to provisions of Charters of tribes organized under the Indian Reorganization Act. Mr. DeMers moved that the resolution be adopted and Mr. Cross seconded the motion. 

MR. CROSS: Mr. Chairman, as I understand this resolution here, it does not mean that there is something that the Secretary and the Commissioner forgot in this Reorganization Act. It calls upon the Secretary of the Interior and the Commissioner to give their attention to the provisions of the Indian Reorganization Act.

MR. DeMERS: It calls upon the Secretary and the Commissioner to give more attention to the provisions in the Constitutions and Charters which were adopted under the provisions of the Indian Reorganization Act.

The question was called for from the floor and the resolution was adopted by unanimous vote of the assembly. 

Resolution No. 13: Mr. DeMers presented Resolution No. 13 which extends the thanks of the National Congress of American Indians to the Cosmopolitan Hotel management, their staff, newspaper staff, radio stations and the citizens of Denver for their wholehearted cooperation to the delegates to the National Congress of American Indians in Denver, Colorado, November 15-18, inclusive. Mr. DeMers moved that 
