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1 tion with Government officials and employees, by legisla-
2 tion and other lawful means: Provided, That under no cir-
3 cumstances shall this Federation engage in or support
4 [[strikethrough]] strikes against the United States Government. [[/strikethrough]] Political candidates or parties or individuals to any office.


5 SECTION 1. Any person [[strikethrough]] employed in the civil branch [[/strikethrough]]
6 [[strikethrough]] of the United States Government, the District of Co- [[/strikethrough]]
7 [[strikethrough]] lumbia, or the insular possessions, including departmental [[/strikethrough]]
8 [[strikethrough]] and field employees of the Post Office Department [[/strikethrough]] and
9 [[strikethrough]] militarized employees of the Lighthouse Division of the [[/strikethrough]]
10 [[strikethrough]] United States Coast Guard Service, [[/strikethrough]] is eligible to mem-
11 bership in this Federation: Provided, That [[strikethrough]] local unions [[/strikethrough]]
12 [[strikethrough]] shall have the right to allow members of their organiza- [[/strikethrough]]
13 [[strikethrough]] tions who have separated themselves from the service to [[/strikethrough]]
14 [[strikethrough]] retain membership: [[/strikethrough]] Provided further, That [[strikethrough]] employees [[/strikethrough]]
15 [[strikethrough]] who are members of unaffiliated service organizations [[/strikethrough]]
16 [[strikethrough]] shall be eligible to membership in this Federation only if [[/strikethrough]]
17 [[strikethrough]] a requisite of membership in such service organization is [[/strikethrough]]
18 [[strikethrough]] membership in this Federation. [[/strikethrough]]
19 SEC. 2. Any person may be elected by a Convention 
20 to honorary membership in the National Federation, and
21 local [[strikethrough]] unions [[/strikethrough]] may elect to honorary membership, any per-
22 son approved by the Executive Council of the National 
23 Federation of [[strikethrough]] Federal Employees [[/strikethrough]]: Provided, That such
24 honorary membership shall carry with it no right to vote
25 or hold office in any [[strikethrough]] union [[/strikethrough]] of this Federation.
26 SEC. 3. [[strikethrough]] Former employees of the Federal Government, [[/strikethrough]]
27 [[strikethrough]] retired under the provisions of the Act of Congress of [[/strikethrough]]
28 [[strikethrough]] May 22, 1920, are eligible to associate membership, upon [[/strikethrough]]
29 [[strikethrough]]payment of an initiation fee of $1. Members [[/strikethrough]] of this
30 Federation, [[strikethrough]] upon retirement, [[/strikethrough]] are eligible for such associ-
31 ate membership without payment of initiation fee. No 
32 per capita tax shall be levied upon a [[strikethrough]] local [[/strikethrough]] for any such
33 associate member, but, notwithstanding any other pro-
34 vision of this Constitution, such members shall pay dues


1 amounting [[strikethrough]] to $1 [[/strikethrough]] per annum which shall accrue to the
2 National Federation and be applied to defraying the cost
3 of the magazines furnished such members.
4 SEC. 4.  [[strikethrough]] A member in good standing, if separated from [[/strikethrough]]
5 [[strikethrough]] the service of the United States Government, may, upon [[/strikethrough]]
6 [[strikethrough]] application, receive an honorable withdrawal card. [[/strikethrough]] A mem-
7 ber in good standing shall have issued to him upon request
8 a transfer card to any other [[strikethrough]] local [[/strikethrough]] without charge.
9 SEC. 5. Charges against a member shall only be pre-
10 ferred by another member of this Federation in writing,
11 before a meeting of the governing body of the [[strikethrough]] local [[/strikethrough]] in
12 which the accused is a member, and a copy thereof shall
13 be furnished by the accuser to the accused prior to such
14 meeting. Such charges shall not be entertained unless,
15 if sustained, they would constitute a violation of the mem-
16 ber's oath. A two-thirds vote of the governing body shall
17 be necessary to hold charges insufficient. The governing
18 body shall order a hearing before a committee appointed 
19 by the Presiding Officer, or before the governing body
20 as a whole, giving notice to the accused at least ten days
21 prior to the date set for the hearing. Both the accused
22 and the accuser may appear in person or by a member
23 of this Feder[[strikethrough]]ation[[/strikethrough]], and may produce witnesses on their
24 behalf. On a two-thirds vote of a quorum of the gov-
25 erning body of the [[strikethrough]] local union [[/strikethrough]], or upon a two-thirds vote 
26 of the recommendation of the committee, charges may be
27 sustained in whole or in part, and the accused may be
28 fined, reprimanded or suspended from privileges and
29 rights of the [[strikethrough]] Federation [[/strikethrough]] for a specific period, or any
30 two or all of the penalties imposed.

Convention and Representation

31 SECTION 1. This Federation shall convene biennially
32 on the first Monday in September of each uneven year
33 at such place as may be determined by a majority vote
34 of the delegates in the preceding Convention: Provided,