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(d) Regulation of grazing, control of erosion and abatement of nuisances. 

(e) Control of prospecting and mining. 

(f) Control of hunting and fishing.

(g) Regulation of industry and commerce.

10. Tribal taxation. 

How shall the tribe raise the necessary funds for tribal government?

11. Public welfare. 

(a) Charity. 

(b) Education. 

(c) Recreation.

(d) Social work. 

(e) Public health. 

12. Indian Service personnel. 

(a) Cooperation of Indian Service employees with tribal government through reports, service on committees, etc. 

(b) Handling by tribal council of complaints and charges against employees. 

(c) Recommendations for Federal appointments by petition, by tribal council, or otherwise. 

13. Procedure for adoption of Constitution and Bylaws (specified in Wheeler-Howard Act).