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4. With the assistance of the Public Opinion Research Center, or other interested organizations, conduct a poll of the Indian population for the purpose of securing from Indians their attitudes and opinions of current Indian Service policy. Such a poll, if properly conducted so as to get the representative cross-section of Indian opinion, would be extremely valuable to the Indian Service and to the National Congress of American Indians. The poll should be conducted by an impartial agency outside of the Indian Service, to lend weight to its findings, and it would be a valuable basis for study in shaping our future projects and recommendations. 

5. Establish a legal aid bureau to supply legal advice and assistance to Indians unable to provide for their own legal needs and for whom Federal attorneys are not available. The American Bar Association, through their committee on Bill of Rights, the American Civil Liberties Union, and the National Lawyers' Guild offer avenue of aid in the establishment of such a bureau.

Each point of the program was voted on as it was proposed.

MR. AARON: I think that it is a good program, but as I see it, there is a little danger of our getting top heavy as far as our expenses are concerned and we can kill our whole organization by trying to do too much at first.

MR. McNICKLE: This program that we are proposing is made up of things that we can start on right away. Others we can be thinking about and can work on when the opportunity presents itself. Now I think that our news service and our legislative agent are two things that we ought to start on right away.

MR. EXENDINE: I think we have immediate need for legal service for a lot of our Indians around Oklahoma City and the situation is probably the same in other cities.

Mr. Short moved that the program as a whole be adopted. The motion was seconded and the program as presented was adopted by unanimous vote of the delegates present.

The Nominating Committee then presented the recommendations for the officers of the National Congress for the next year. The recommendations where as follows:

Judge N. B. Johnson  President
Edward L. Rogers  Vice-President
Dan Madrano  Secretary
George LaMotte  Treasurer


S. C. DeMers  Montana  Flathead
Henry Throssel  Arizona  Papago
D'Arcy McNickle  Washington D. C. Flathead

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