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Lyrics of Love and Laughter


COME on walkin' wid me, Lucy; 't ain't no time to mope erroun'
W'en de sunshine's shoutin' glory in de sky,
An' de little Johnny-Jump-Ups's jes' a-springin' f'om de groun',
Den a-lookin' roun' to ax each othah w'y.
Don' you hyeah dem cows a-mooin'? Dat's
dy howdy to de spring;
Ain' dey lookin' most oncommon satisfied?
Hit's enough to mek a body want to spread
dey mouf an' sing
Jes' to see de critters all so spa'klin'-eyed.

W'y dat squir'l dat jes' run past us, ef I did n' know his tricks,
I could swaih he'd got 'uligion jes' to-day;
An' dem liza'ds slippin' back and fore ermong de stones an' sticks
Is a-wigglin' 'cause dey feel so awful gay.