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Lyrics of Love and Laughter

But you needn't feel so lonesome fu' I's th'owin'
out to see
Ef dey ain't some of yo' comrades fu' to keep
you company.

Spo't, dis fishin'! now you talkin', w'y dey
ain't no kin' to beat;
I don' keer ef I is soakin', laigs, an' back, an'
naik, an' feet,
It's de spo't I's lookin' aftah. Hit's de
pleasure an' de fun,
Dough I knows dat Lizy's waitin' wid de
skillet w'en I's done.


Hain't you see my Mandy Lou,
Is it true?
Whaih you been f'om day to day,
Whaih, I say?
Dat you say you nevah seen
Dis hyeah queen