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Lyrics of Love and Laughter

Bluebird sass de robin,
     Robin sass him back,
Den de bluebird scol' him
     'Twell his face is black.
Would n' min' de quoilin'
     All de mo'nin long.
'Cept it wakes me early,
     Case hit's done in song.

Anybody wo'kin'
     Wants to sleep ez late
Ez de folks'll 'low him,
     An' I wish to state
(Co'se dis ain't to scattah,
     But 'twix' me an' you),
I could stan' de bedclothes,
     Kin' o'latah, too.

'Tain't my natchul feelin',
     Dis hyeah mopin' spell.
I stan's early risin'
     Mos'ly moughty well;