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Lyrics of Love and Laughter

Den de ban' hit 'mence a-playin' critters all to
Fou' ercross, an' fou' stan' sideways, smilin'
face to face.

'Fessah Frog, he play de co'net, Cricket play
de fife,
Slews o' Grasshoppahs a-fiddlin' lak to save dey
Mistah Crow, 'he call de figgers, settin' in a
Huh, uh!  how dose critters sasshayed was a
sight to see.

Mistah Possom swing Mis' Rabbit up an' down
de flo'.
Ol' man Baih, he ain't so nimble, an' it mek
him blow;
Raccoon dancin' wid Mis' Squ'il squeeze huh little han',
She say, "Oh, now ain't you awful, quit it,
goodness lan'!"