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Lyrics of Love and Laughter

De wo'kin' all is ovah, an' de suppah comin'
De wo'kin' time's Decembah, but de restin'
time is June,
'Long to'ds night.

Dey's a kin' o' doleful feelin',
Hits a tendah place,
'Long to'ds night;
Dey's a moughty glory in him
Shinin' thoo his face,
'Long to'ds night.
De cabin's lak de big house, an' de fiah's lak
de sun;
His wife look moughty lakly, an' de chile de
puttiest one;
W'y, hit's bessid, jes' a-livin' w'en a body's wo'k is done.
'Long to'ds night.