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Lyrics of Love and Laughter

An' she sholy got mo' gumption any day den your or me,
Dat ol' mare o' mine.
She's a lettle slow a-goin', an' she moughty ha'd to sta't,
But we's gittin' ol' togathah, an' she's closah to my hea't,
An' I doesn't reckon, mistah, dat she'd sca'cely keer to pa't;
Dat ol'mare o'mine.
W'y I knows de time dat cidah's kin' o' muddled up my haid,
Ef it hadn't been fu' Sukey hyeah, I reckon I'd been daid;
Dat ol'mare o'mine.
But she got me in de middle o'de road an'tuk me home,
An' she wouldn't let me wandah, ner she wouldn't let me roam,
Dat's de kin' o' hoss to tie w'en you's seed de cidah's foam,
Dat ol'mare o'mine.