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Lyrics of Love and Laughter


MASTAH drink his ol' Made'a,
Missy drink huh sherry wine,
Ovahseah lak his whiskey,
But dat othah drink is mine,
Des' 'lasses an' watah, 'lasses an' watah.

W'en you git a steamin' hoe-cake
On de table, go way, man !
'D ain't but one t'ing to go wid it,
'Sides de gravy in de pan,
Dat's 'lasses an' watah, 'lasses an' watah.

W'en hit's 'possum dat you eatin',
'Simmon beer is moughty sweet ; 
But fu' evahday consumin'
'D ain't no mo'tal way to beat
Des' 'lasses an' watah, 'lasses an' watah.