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Rev. 7/29/71         -37-

83. INT. CHURCH - DAY   83.

Rebecca and the children attend services at the Church -- everyone is standing -- they are in the midst of a song, led by the PASTOR of the Church. 

Like everything else in Landsdown for Black People, it is an old disinherited structure with creaky, movable chairs for the worshippers to sit in -- there are two high windows on both sides.

The Pastor reads the verses of the song in the traditional, dramatic Black Preacher's fashion, and the congregation repeats the verses musically.


84. EXT. CHURCH - DAY   84.

Coffee, cold drinks, cookies and fruit are being served to a laughing, chattering crowd of church goers -- inside, a WOMAN is at the piano, playing rhythmic up-tempo gospel songs. IKE is there also.

Rebecca, with HARRIET in line behind her, and the children are moving up to the table to be served.

If this wasn't a church, I'd do me a dance to that music she's playin'.

Why don't you try it, Harriet, and just see what everybody would do.

Now, Rebecca, I may be a country woman, but I ain't no fool.

Rebecca and Harriet take coffee and cookies at the table while the children take fruit. They move across the floor for a corner to sit -- Harriet does a little moving dance step as they arrive to the corner and sit.

You determined to get that dance in.

Well, you can't blame a girl for tryin' if the feelin' hits her.