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what I can do, and it'll work- I know it will. Please, Pop, just——

Stop begging, Theo. (Crosses back into shop, looks at Blue.) Why?

I don't get you.

What kind of boy are you that you went through so much pain to dream up this cockeyed, ridiculous plan of yours?

Mr. Parker, I was born about six blocks from here, and before I was ten I had the feeling I had been living for a hundred years. I got so old and tired I didn't know how to cry. Now you just think about that. But now I own a piece of this neighborhood. I don't have to worry about some bastard landlord or those credit crooks on 125th Street. Beautiful, black Blue—— they have to worry about me! (Reaches into his pocket and pulls out a stack of bills. Places them into Parker's hands.) Can't you see, man—— I'm here to put you in business! (Mr. Parker runs his fingers through the money.) Money, Mr. Parker—— brand-new money... 
(After concentrated attention, Mr. Parker drops money on table and moves into back room. Theo hurriedly follows. Mr. Parker sits on bed, in deep thought.)

That's just to get us started. And if we can make a dent into Mr. You-Know-Who's going-ons in Harlem, nobody's going to think of us as crooks. We'll be heroes from 110th Street to Sugar Hill. And just think, Pop, you won't have to worry about jobs and all that. You'll have so much time for you and Mr. Jenkins to play checkers, your arms will drop off. You'll be able to sit as long as you want, and tell enough stories and lies to fit between the cover of a 500-page book. That's right! Remember you said you wanted to write all them stories down! Now you'll have time for it! You can dress up the way you used to. And the girls—— remember how you used to be so tough with the girls before you got married? All that can come back to you, and some of that you never had. It's so easy! All you have to do is call Adele down those stairs


and let her know that you're going into business and if she don't like it she can pack up and move out, because you're not going to let her drive you down.

All right! (Moves back into shop, where Blue is putting away his paraphernalia.) I'll do it!


I'll do it under one condition——

And that is?

If my buddy Jenkins wants to buy into this deal, you'll let him.


It's all right.

(Extending his hand to Blue.) Then you got yourself some partners, Mr. Haven!

Welcome into the association, Mr. Parker.

Welcome into my barbershop!

(Jubilantly.) Yehhhhhhhhhh!

(Blue checks his watch. Adele comes into the back room.)

Well, I have to check out now, but I'll stop over tomorrow and we will set the whole thing up just as you want it, Mr. Parker. See you later, Theo.

(To Blue as he is walking out the front door.) You

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