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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen & Abandoned Lands,
Office of Superintendent of Education
Raleigh, N.C., February 29, 1868.

Lieut. Jno. M. Foote,
A.S.A. Com'r. Plymouth, N.C.


Since the receipt of your last I have been endeavoring to find teachers for the schools in Williamston & Hamilton, Martin Co. Some of the persons to whom I have spoken would be willing to go, if they knew definitely on what amount of compensation they could depend - but they are less willing to be at the expense and trouble of taking so long a journey upon an uncertainty. Can you inform me definitely just the amount of compensation the Freedmen in these places can be relied upon to give?

Yours respectfully,
F. A. Fiske
Supt. Education. 

[L. - B. Vol. 3. p. 869.] 

Transcription Notes:
edited: changes and corrections