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Ask Arthur about Corphu
Also the M.S. Bangs lands in La.
(Mt Forest for ferns)
How about book on Fur Beavers

Blue Goose ~
In Bent following La. loc's-

North Miss. R. to Vermilion Bay. Decreasing rapidly Eastward & more gradually westward to Rockport, Corpus Christi & Brownsville -

Hersey notes most of flocks congregate near Great & Little Constance Lakes W. of Vermilion Bay
In delta area of Miss. R.
they feed on 2 species of Δ rushes, cutgrass (Zizaniopsis mililacea) Goose grass (Scirpus robustus) Oyster grass (Spartina glabra) Johnson grass (Panicum refrens) cat-tail flag (Typha augustifolia)

U.S. Game Warden Hoffman on Feb 8/28 reports. "Made a trip to Louisiana State Club at the mouth of the Mississippi with Capt. Wheeler. Saw at least 10000 blue geese at very conservative estimate. The most wonderful sight I have ever seen"