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EW Nelson
Biological Survey
Washington D.C.

Dr. JB Elliot
Dr. Bel
Dr. Randolph Lyons

Dr J.G. Martin
Rm 4 Kaufman Bldg
L. Charles

S.C. Arthur
1309 - State St.
Uptown 1270M.

Hopkins 2631 Magazine St
Jackson 1120W

March 13 (Tues)
Grand Chenier
Last eve developed a severe irritation of bronchial tubes & [[giving?]], [[heart?]] action or [[?]] [[?????]] today.

A local doctor (Miller) told me my heart muscles are very weak & that I must avoid any hard work or severe exertion. My attack was no doubt the result of my efforts while trampling the marshes most recently after blue geese - 
As a result of this attack I am laid up for repairs for the next 2 or 3 days & I sent David Doland on by auto to Johnson Bayou near Sabine Lake to try & locate the great flight of