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At Grand Chenier. I had estimated this flight to contain 12000 to 15000 birds & Doland estimated the birds at Oyster Bay at 12000 which is a good check & coincides very well.

An auto road by stats is now [[strikethrough]] being [[/strikethrough]] built from Sulphur on SPRR via Hackberry being built to beach near State camp & thence East to Cameron & W. to mouth Sabine along beach.

This road is expected to be completed to Grand Chenier by Spring of 1929 and will open up the best duck & goose territory in La. Warden Doland says that the good hunting days of this region will end when the road comes in as hunters will come in by the hundred. The desire of stock men to have the geese driven from their range will help against the geese. Stock men yesterday talked to Doland about using airplanes to stir up & drive away geese. Two sea planes flew close over the marshes yesterday near Johnson Bayou & all the geese raised in great clouds.

Last year the geese were enormously abundant at Rainey & Rockefeller Res. & they evidently served as the centers of winter abundance for 1927 while this year comp. few here & and many in SW. Cameron Parish where they winter in 1928.