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Doland saw 100 + 150 Canada geese in. 2. flock [crossedout]near[crossedout] on the beach between Calcasieu R. + Mud Lake  - they were very unsuspicious. He says both Canada geese + Sandhill cranes winter on a marsh north of Long Island bet. it & SW short of White Lake.  This is on the Rockafeller Res.  These gees fly south to the beach for gravel.  No other canada geese frequent this Res.

Blue Geese

Grand Chenier, LA.
Mch 14/28 (wed)
As recorded under yesterday's entry David Doland found the main body of geese in SW Cameron Parish. Today he gave me much information + then went out on patrol. I was laid up for [refrains?] all day-bad heart action. The postmaster & + [?]keeper here volunteered the information today (J. B. Jones) that ducks in general are very much less numerous than 10 years ago. 

Foggy nights, rather warm sunny days now. Scarcely a bird to be seen on river or marsh from town today

Transcription Notes:
Calcasieu River on google.