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The Chance Vought scholarships will be available to women who have finisher their junior year in college, or who have recently graduated. Only a limited number of student can be chosen from each college. Because of the scope and importance of the program, it is imperative to select those candidates with an aptitude for engineering work and whose academic records merit such consideration.

Undergraduates selected for the scholarship will have the opportunity to complete their senior year at New York University. Wherever possible Chance Vought Aircrafts will arrange for them to graduate with their class from the college they originally attended, providing necessary approval is secured from the college administration.

All applicants will have to obtain the approval of their faculties before being considered for the scholarships. When this has been accomplished, interest women will be given examinations to indicate their capacity and adaptability to engineering work. Those who obtain satisfactory ratings in the preliminary test will be interviewed by representatives of Chance Vought Aircraft. Then by careful selection those women who meet the requirements and high standards set by Chance Vought Aircraft will be chosen as Chance Vought scholars. Before entering New York University each one given a scholarship will enter into a formal contract with Chance Vought Aircraft. This will include an option by the Company on the students' services for the period of one year following the completion of the Chance Vought training course.