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1. Xerox and caption of Flipper, the Flying Mascot
2. Slide in plastic bag of Widgeon at Ozette Lake
3. Xerox of Seattle Sunday times photo, 12-7-47
4. Document: Some "First" Memories of a Pioneer Pilot & More
5. Story: "For Serving as a Belligerent...*retained by D.Douglas per wishes of LMB
6. Xerox of NYT photo, July 11, 1937
7. Xerox of Christian Science Monitor article, Oct 1, 1937
8. Xerox of 2 articles and letter (1 page) from Seattle Times
9. Xerox of article in Daily Chronicle, Jan 31, 1939
10. Copy of EnginEars, Apr 25, 1986
11. Article:Now it can be told: Float plane used the locks by Jon Hahn, Seattle Post-Intelligencer
12. Article in Elmira Star-Gazette,  July 2, 1937
13. Copy of AF Certificate of Honorable  Service
14. 7 Color Slides and 2 negatives
15. Photo and Caption of NE section of 99s in 1934
16. Dayton Daily News article,March   6 1988,   2 copies
17. Photo of LMB  on Seaplane  float
18. Rotogravure  Picture  Section, NYT  July 4, 1937
19. Package from Finland  (NB: Handle with Care)