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Mrs. Laura May Brunton
1201 East River Road
Tucson, Arizona 85718

3/15/88 215 386 0891 Debbie Douglas
started 1929 of Waco Wayne Leifert
only woman to win a Theta Sigma Phy Matrix & Seattle Woman of the Yr [[Year]] 1940

Originated 99 News-letter
Edited it for about 34 to 41 yrs

Won highest # of points at Womens Nat Soaring Contst 
Division 1937 Elmira, N.Y,

Also Sleeping Bear [[?]], and calf.
Solo tranmont [[?]] & Seattle

Rewrite the Book

Made Med Rec grand Waiver Windshear Era practice Ann Arbor closed - course race [[?]]

Southern Frontier Liaison Border Patrol 

Flew as Member of Airforce on Billigerons Duty WWII, Sthn (Southern) Frntr (Frontier) Liaisson Border Patrol Raid [[?]] 7 [[?]] Server from [[?]][[?]]Vandenberg, Chief of Staff Airforce only certificate ever issued for participation in warfare as a woman.

Located as Dayton [[?]] Dec 13. 38 

Flew a plane for 1 hr on needle fall and [[?]] to a safe landing with ice extending [[?]] from leading [[?]] of 32' wing. 


Flew a 63 ft float plane, [[?]] equips, with one passenger refuel up the [[?]] [[?]] Seattle to Alaska no extra gas (Mounted on to floats).