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His main interest is the experience of being a test pilot.  The turbo-jet revolution had a tremendous impact on society but you were among the few who were the first to cross the threshold.  He will want to know how it felt to go from props to jets.  Was it magical or ordinary?  Did you have a sense of historical significance of the event or was it just another day?

Dorothy Cochrane has become the point person in the Aeronautics Department for questions concerning women in aviation. She is an aspiring pilot and her major research love concerns general aviation.  She is a major fan of aerobatics champion, Patty Wagstaff and is currently working on a book on Fairchild and aerial photography.  She will have a special interest in how you got involved in flying--earning your tickets, flying the Cub, etc.

Carolyn Russo, as I mentioned in the letter, is a photographer.  She is beginning a photography project that will culminate in a photography book on women in aviation and possibly an exhibit.  Carolyn brings to the task a remarkable devotion to learning about her subject--to figuring out the aesthetic dimensions of a subject that has only been presented in written and spoken media.  She asked if she could "listen in" on our interview although she may have a question or two of her own. 

Finally, I am a historian and have written a brief survey on women in aviation.  My goal is to better document your life and to make sure that this becomes pat of the Museum's permanent collection.  During the interview, however, my role is as "ring leader."  I try to keep things on track and steer the discussion in the direction that you are comfortable with.  I should emphasize that you are ultimately in charge of the process.  If you do not wish to discuss something I have suggested that is perfectly fine.  If there are things that I have not brought up that you think are important feel free to do so. With or without the tape recorder, we all look forward to meeting you.
