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6 November 1992

Mrs. Ann B. Carl
P.O. Box 767
Kilmarnock, VA 22482

Dear Mrs. Carl: 

Welcome home. I hope you had a wonderful trip and that you are refreshed after a lengthy trip at sea.  We are all looking to meeting you.  Back in September, I had spoken with you about the possibility of conducting an oral history interview.  At that time you thought that you would be able to do this but asked if I could contact you closer to the date of the lecture. 

I understand that you are planning to come up to Washington on December 2nd and return home on the 4th.  Depending on your schedule, I would like to arrange a time to interview you either on the morning of December 3rd or December 4th. Actually four of us, Rick Leyes, Dorothy Cochrane, Carolyn Russo (our photographer who is preparing a picture book on women in aviation), and myself, would like to spend about an hour (total) talking with you. If you are agreeable, we would also like to arrange to take some pictures of you with the XP-59A (perhaps a cockpit shot or two). 

You have had a long and varied career and I am glad that the Museum has chosen to highlight you in this anniversary program. A tape of your lecture will be made and added to the archival records of the Museum.  As that talk will necessarily be focused on your test pilot days, I thought it would be great to record the story of some of your other accomplishments as well.  This too would be added to the collection. 

As time may be short, you may want to telephone me to arrange a good time for us to get together or ask any questions you might have. I can be reached at 202-357-2515. Thanks so much for your interest.

Sincerely yours,

Deborah G. Douglas 
Research Collaborator
Aeronautics Department