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16 N San Jose Mercury News, June 17, 1981
Former WAVES group makes ever more ripples

Faye Boquist[[picture]]

THE WAVES of former wars are making ripples.

Not only has Cupertino's Gloria Johnson organized a group of 60 former WAVES from San Jose, Cupertino, Sunnyvale, Mountain View, Palo Alto, Los Altos and Santa Clara into the official unit "Bay Area WAVES of Northern California" but she's also appeared on the Channel 4 television program "Sunday Times."

Gloria told her TV audience about having joined the WAVES during the Korean conflict "to do something for my country," and she expressed her opposition to the draft.

"You will not get the best men and most will go underground rather than fight for their country," she declared. "To get qualified educated men and women, you need to offer better pay and fringe benefits along with improved retirement for the military."

Gloria's neophyte unit has donated $35 toward a flag pole for Golden Gate National Cemetary in San Bruno's "Avenue of Flags." When the pole is erected, the flag on top will wave in the memory of all WAVES.