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[[TOP LEFT: senders name stamped]]
United States Senate


[[recipients address]]
Mrs. Evelyn S. Bryan
Jefferson City


[[handwriting above article]]
Knot Journal

[[handwriting to the right of article]]
My luck [[good guess?]] to you - 


-start of article clip-
Honored By Hero Fund

Specific to the Journal

Mrs. Evelyn S. Bryan, 48, of Jefferson City was honored today by the Carnegie Hero Fund Commission for heroism in her efforts to rescue the victim of a helicopter crash in 1958.
Officials of the commission announced in Pittsburgh, Pa., that they had approved the award of a bronze medal to Mrs. Bryan for saving the pilot of a helicopter from burning and a possible explosion in the crash at Morristown April 28, 1958.
The commission's citation [[image]] MRS BRYAN
gave this story of the incident:
John J. Ryan, 34, the helicopter pilot, and Davis I. McNiel, 49, a utility manager, were taking off after [[blocked text]] fueling stop at the Morristown Airport when the craft [[black bar blocks text]]
[[chopped off text]] ontinued [[chopped text]] running [[blocked text]] rotor blades [[blocked text]] ouncing the [[chopped text]] light [[blocked text]] n. [[blocked text]] Four [[blocked text]] fuel t [[blocked text]] nding [[blocked text]] gasoline [[blocked text]] nse smoke beg [[blocked text]] ne engine.

Mrs. Bryan, [[blocked text]] was the only pers [[blocked text]] the airport.  She ran [[blocked text]] with a fire extinguisher [[blocked text]]

She laid aside the extin[[blocked text]] crawled beneath the rev[[blocked text]] blades, reached into the boun[[blocked text]] craft and turned off the ignition switch.

Then she returned for the fire extinguisher and sprayed the engine with foam, diminishing the smoke and reducing the danger of fire.

By this time three men had been attracted to the scene and the four tried to lift Ryan from the wreckage as he regained consciousness and began to moan.

On realizing he was badly injured, however, they decided to await medical aid.  McNiel died in the crash and Ryan was hospitalized for several months.

-end of article clip-

Transcription Notes:
I was unsure how to transcribe the stamp note. The transcription is first from right to left after being turned, then the article follows the address etc. after.