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We Salute 

[[image - seal]]

The EAGLET is the official publication of Knoxville Wing, Civil Air Patrol, and is published monthly by and for the squadron. 

Opinions expressed here-in are those of the the individual w[[cutoff]] necessarily reflect those of the Civil Air Patrol. 

Editor and Photographer ---- T/Sgt [[cutoff]] 
Assistant Editor ----------- [[cutoff]]
Cadet Reporters ------------ Cadets Rick Ball [[cutoff]] 

Group IV Major 

In Heroines Role

On 28th April, Evelyn Bryan, a smallish woman, CAP Major, Flight Instructor and co-owner of Morristown Flying Service, was watching a helicopter she had just refueled take-off. Shortly after take-off, the craft went into a steep turn to the right and started falling. 

Sensing what was going to happen, Maj. Bryan alone at the time immediately called an ambulance, even before the crash, and grabbing a fire extinguisher rushed to the scene. 

The helicopter hit on the right, skid and broke apart. Without regard for her personal safety, the soon-to-be heroine darted under the whirling blades and turned off the ignition, thereby preventing a fire. 

Davis L. McNeil, passenger was dead when she reached the wreckage, but through her heroic efforts, the pilot, John Ryan was taken to a Knoxville hospital where he was in fair condition. 

Major Bryan, Flying Safety Officer of Group IV, is one of four women helicopter instructors in the United States. 

Such selfless devotion without thought of oneself makes the rest of us proud to associate with such a fine person as "Evelyn."

For her interest in the furtherance of aviation, she was given a ride in a T-33 jet trainer at McGhee Tyson AFB, shortly before the base closed. 

[[image - photograph]]
We wish to salute and pay humble tribute to our own Eve-lyn Bryan, shown here flying a Bell Helicopter. 
Evelyn is one of four women helicopter instructors in the U.S. and a living legend in East Tennessee (Bell Aircraft Photo).

[[image - photograph]]

Daring Hobby

A member of our squadron has what we feel an unenviable hobby. Bud "Have Chute Will Jump" Sellick, assistant training officer has been parachute jumping for two years and enjoys every minute of it. 

Bud's ambition is to compete in the international parachute jumping meet two years from now.

Director of the Maryville Boys Club and graduate of the University of Tenn he took up jumping after years of just wanting to jump from an airplane. 

In addition to this hobby, Bud is also a licensed pilot and member of the Knoxville Air Reserve Center Aero Club. 

Bud saw service with the Navy as an Aerographers Mate and is still a member of the Naval Reserve.

Prop- [[cutoff]] 

We would like [[cutoff]]
many nice compliments [[cutoff]]
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strive in future [[cutoff]]
of them.

The sole purpose [[cutoff]]
of this publication [[cutoff]]
readers informed [[cutoff]]
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you feel will help [[cutoff]]
greatly appreciate [[cutoff]]
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wise there would [[cutoff]]
eraser on the end [[cutoff]]

The Knoxville [[cutoff]]
at this time to bi [[cutoff]]
Col. Joseph H. Fr [[cutoff]]
the Knoxville Square [[cutoff]]
of the Knoxville [[cutoff]]
for the past three [[cutoff]]

He goes to [[cutoff]]
N.Y. as editor of [[cutoff]]

Good news for [[cutoff]]
Knoxville AF Aero [[cutoff]]
val of an Aeronca [[cutoff]]

Shorn of its w[[cutoff]]
flown to Milwaukee [[cutoff]]
Knoxville in the [[cutoff]]

The 5th grade [[cutoff]]
School along with [[cutoff]]
principal paid a [[cutoff]]
Lt. Howell to view [[cutoff]]

The youngsters [[cutoff]]
learn the purpose [[cutoff]]
it was used and w[[cutoff]]
Unfortunately the [[cutoff]]
fic and it was i[[cutoff]]
in their presence [[cutoff]]

Wing SARCAP is [[cutoff]]
ed for 3-4 August [[cutoff]]
dates. All members [[cutoff]]
Squadron that pos[[cutoff]]
to attend. This af[[cutoff]]
opportunity to [[cutoff]]
from other sect[[cutoff]]
well as enjoying [[cutoff]]
lent training.

We are sorry [[cutoff]]
est cadets, and [[cutoff]]
places. Sgt Ronn[[cutoff]]
for active duty