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keep its ships flying. Many of those jobs can be done by women, both in this country and abroad. We need you, women. Forget your present comforts and get in this war with us. [[strike through]] You won't regret it because you'll be helping get that husband, brother or sweetheart home a lot sooner and we can all have a good time and continue our careers. [[strike through]]

KARESH: Thank you, Pvt. Roberts. You'll make a good Wac because you have the enthusiasm to serve your country in its time of need the most effective way you know how. The army will be proud of you.

ROBERTS: I hope so, because if the army is proud of me, it is just joining my father and mother. They are both so awfully proud of my decision to join up. [[strike through]]My dad is an editorial writer for one of the newspapers here in Cincinnati, so when he approves of my actions as eagerly as he did this one, I'm really happy.[[/strike through]]

KARESH: It's more women with the spirit of this typical young American that is needed. Now it's time for more music and we present the three Lind brothers, Murray, Phil, and Dale. As civilians they were known as the Noteworthys and were heard on many network programs, on many stages and since joining the army recently completed a bond-selling campaign with terrific results. Here they are, with their own special arrangement of "Time On My Hands."

LINDS: Sing.

KARESH: Great work, boys, and now, our station announcer:

NNOUNCER: Thrills, miraculous accomplishments and daring deeds are just plain.