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trainer instructors, control tower operators, auto drivers, weather observers and airplane mechanics. We need you badly. Join us women. Go to your United States Army recruiting office at once. Tell them you want to join the Wac and serve with the Air Transport Command. It's the Lind brothers again, and their offering is a medley of George Gershwin tunes from "Porgy and Bess." Contact, boys, and take it away:

LINDS: Sing.

KARESH: It's time for me to go now, ladies and gentlemen. We hope you've liked our show. We trust you've heard our message and are giving it the most serious thought and consideration of your life. Come and meet us, and the lovely Wacs with us, in person [[Saturday?]] at the Cincinnati Gas and Electric Co. We have a link trainer on display there. It's in actual operation, teaching pilots instrument flying. Wacs do this kind of work in the Air Transport Command. It will be there for a couple of weeks, starting Monday. We'll be there frequently with music. Our Wacs will be there every day. Make it a date to see us at the Link Trainer display at the Cincinnati Gas and Electric Company's lobby starting Monday.

BAND: Plays Air Corps song with vocalists, fades for announcer.

ANNOUNCER: we've presented another program by that popular aggregation that has Cincinnati buzzing, the Air Transporters, with vocalists Cpl. George Nickson and the three Lind brothers, with Sgt. George Keresh as master of ceremonies and hit guest stars, two young women who belong to the world's greatest organization, the United States Army, which has  never been whipped, and heaven help us all if it ever is. We'll present thee folks again. Meanwhile we urge you to take their advice. Go to our nearest army recruiting office and enlist in the UAC for service with