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customs--neat and well above the collar at all times--see what the hairdresser can do. You can get it cut or pin it up; but whichever you do, it must be neat and well above the collar at all times when in uniform. However, mannish haircuts are taboo. Another hint, hair should not come down when you go to town in uniform. Large, unsightly combs are not worn.

You might want to know about manicures, too. Nails are inspected during regular inspections. Keep them trim. Nail polish? It is not frowned upon but it must be colorless or, at the most, of an inconspicuous shade. The same rule applies to make-up. Learn to apply powder and rouge so that it will be inconspicuous.

PICNIC GROUND. The Post Exchange has provided a picnic ground on the Post northeast of the Recreation Hall. In collaboration with the Service Club, all facilities for having fun are provided: dance floor, automatic record player, concession stand, and for winter an electric hot dog machine, six barbecue pits, and a log cabin for warmth after ice skating. The grounds are open on week days from ____ to ____, and later on dance nights; on Saturdays and Sundays from ____ to ____.

[[Illustration: A woman sits, leaning back in a chair, with her cap on her lap. Other forms are sketched, apparently to imply other moviegoers. She is looking at an image on a square depicting a movie screen, where a man and a woman's faces are drawn. Below the screen is written: What bliss!]]

Two movie houses operate on the Post, and the pictures are first-run and change frequently. One performance, at Theater No. 2 (the New Theater), begins at 1830; the second performance, at Theater No. 1 (the Old Theater[[)]], begins at 1930. On Sunday afternoons, the matinee in the New Theater begins at 1430. Doors open thirty minutes before performance time, and you had better come early if you want a good seat! A single admission is fifteen cents, but you can save money by buying a coupon book (ten tickets for $1.20) at the manager's office in Theater No. 1 from 1800 to 2030 every evening. Both theaters are located on Chaffee Road in Buildings 43 and 50.

SERVICE CLUBS. There are two service clubs on the Post: No. 1 on Chaffee Road for white enlisted personnel; No. 2 on Rodgers Road for colored enlisted personnel. This is your place to relax, the place to entertain your visitors, especially your male friends, who are not permitted in the barracks. Here you can find a cafeteria and a fountain. Recreation facilities as well as privacy are available in the service clubs. There is a civilian hostess on duty at all times who wants to provide for your pleasure and comfort. She can give you all the necessary information about places of amusement and eating places in the downtown area. A music appreciation room, fully equipped, is provided for music lovers. There is a comfortable reading lounge in the north wing on the second floor of Service Club No. 1. You can obtain golf clubs and tennis rackets from the hostess.


RECREATION HALL. The Recreation Hall has basketball and volleyball courts. Facilities for using these courts can be obtained through Social Services.

CHAPEL. There are two chapels on the Post, one next to the Old Theater and the other near the new PX. The chaplains welcome you at any time, both in the chaplains' office in Building T-321 and in the chaplains' room at the Boomtown Chapel. Stop in for a chat. They will help you solve your problems. The times of the services are announced in the daily bulletins and on the bulletin boards. All faiths are represented.

LOCATE FRIENDS. An information desk is located at Post Headquarters, Building 51 (Tel. 111 and 112), where a locator file is maintained for all officers, enlisted men, and enlisted women of the Post.

MAIL. In the Army, mail is delivered personally. A noncommissioned officer of your company will blow the whistle for mail call. You will get your mail twice daily, usually before noon and evening mess; on Sunday mail is delivered only once.

The Post Office is located on the west side of the fire station at the corner of Chaffee Road and Thayer Street. Packages, money orders, or registered letters can be cleared through this office. The hours are from ____ to ____ daily except Sunday. On Sunday stamps may be bought from ____ to ____. Packages, if they are regular parcel post, are delivered at mail call; if registered or insured, you will be notified that there is a package for you at the Post Office and can call for it there between ____ and ____ daily and on Sunday from ____ to ____.

Free Mail privileges are extended to the Wacs. If you want your mail to reach its destination without delay, address your mail correctly, and inform your folks and friends to do likewise. Place your return address in the upper left hand corner of the envelope and "Free" in the upper right hand corner. The envelope should look like this:

[[Illustration: A rectangle depicts an envelope. "Free" is written at the top right corner of the rectangle. At the top left corner is written:
"Pvt. Mary Doe, WAC (A-000000)
Company 1, Receiving and Staging Battalion
Army Post Branch
Ft. Des Moines, Iowa"
At the center of the rectangle is written:
"Mrs. John Doe
1010 River Street

Your name and "Free" must be in your own handwriting.