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ACCIDENTS. Report all accidents to your company commander as soon as possible. She will notify a medical officer. At no time will a member "treat" a case or give medicines, but everyone should learn First Aid for emergencies. (See Section XII.)

INOCULATIONS. Beginning with your week in a receiving company, you will get a series of "shots" in the arm. You will get one inoculation for smallpox, three for typhoid, and three for tetanus. The typhoid "shots" are given once a week for three weeks; the tetanus, at three-week interval. We will admit they are not pleasant things, but most of the complaints are mental. If you are wise, you will stay on the Post and not go into town after your "shots."

Upon completion of your series of shots, identification or "dog" tags will be issued to you. These tags will be worn at all times under your shirt suspended from a forty-inch necklace of non-corrosive, non-toxic, heat resistant material.


[[illustration]] Pay Day - Hey Day! [[illustration]]

PAY DAY. You probably know how much you will get, but we will repeat. You will get $50.00 per month. About the twenty-fourth of the month each enlisted woman will sign the payroll. If the amount due you is incorrect, see your first sergeant at once.

Pay day is usually the last day of the month. You will line up in alphabetical order at your orderly room to collect. As soon as you approach the paying officer, salute and give your name. When you get your money, count it quickly and leave. Others behind you are waiting for their pay.

PROMOTIONS. When your training is completed, you will have an opportunity to earn a promotion (providing a vacancy exists in the grade). Your first promotion will be to private first class, which means that your pay will be increased to $54.

[[illustration]] They're worth a shine! [[illustration]]


You are in the Army, but you are still a woman. There are some things you will want to know.

GIRDLES AND BRAS. You may not want to wear a girdle or a bra, or you may think you do not need them; but the rule is that you maintain a neat, military appearance at all times. If it is necessary to wear a girdle to 


do this, wear it. Incidentally, remember to wash these personal articles, as well as all of your lingerie, often.

PERSONAL CARE. In your training your company officers will give you lectures on Personal Hygiene. Listen to and heed them. Cleanliness is the basis of good health. The first rule is the daily bath. A deodorant is another good habit, but the laundries warn that using strong deodorants just before putting on your shirt will ruin it.

YOUR FEET. The shoes which have been issued to you are probably a far cry from the dainty slippers you wore as a civilian. The Army has tried to fit you correctly, but if the shoes are not comfortable see your Supply Officer AT ONCE. Do not wear them several weeks before changing them. You will be wearing the same shoes for a long time--so BE SURE that they fit properly. To correctly fit field shoes, try them on with both cotton and woolen hose. Do not lace the top eyelets until the shoe is properly adjusted to your foot.


Give your feet extra care; drilling will be tough on them. Use a foot powder, but do not soak your feet, as this makes them tender. Changing your hose daily will help. For any foot ailments report to sick call.

THE LATRINE. This is the Army term for what you have always called the bathroom. Here are the showers, bathtubs, toilets, and disinfectant foot bath. The latter is the protect you against athlete's foot.

It is your duty to keep the latrine clean. Be considerate of others and do your part. Many notices will be posted there; one word of caution-- follow them.

In each latrine there are two types of GI cans: one for waste paper and one for sanity disposal-- use the correct can. Before using the sanitary disposal can, be sure that you have used the paper sacks provided. Do not put anything in this can unless it is properly wrapped. At no time shall the toilet be used instead of the sanitary disposal can.

This might be a good time to tell you something else. Before you are here very long, you will hear the expression "LR" (latrine rumor). That is the Army term for stories unverified by official orders. Do not pay any attention to these rumors. What there is to be known will be posted on your bulletin board. Read it daily. It is your