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have their trim-fitting uniforms, and are very proud of the fact. 
 Within a few days, however, the rookies are herded together and marched, after a fashion, down to the clothing warehouse, and issued all the clothing needed for their career in the Wac. But the pleasure is usually shortlived, because walking out of one room, and directly into another, they are shocked to discover that the majority of the uniforms are taken away again. For the second room is devoted entirely to alterations, and each piece of each uniform issued in the way of blouses, skirts, and overcoats, are carefully fitted and immediately sent out to be practically re-made to fit each individual perfectly. 
 For the first few days there is a great array of colors and combinations which show under the GI overcoats. From the first day you are marched to mess, and anywhere else you may be required to be. Staying in step may sound like a comparatively easy task, until you try it for the first few times, along with a hundred or so others who are just as bewildered and confused about the whole thing as you are. 
 The change in just two weeks is amazing in a company of Wacs. Drilling is one of the many phases of Army life which requires, and gets, special attention from all the permanent cadre at Fort Des Moines. And all the many bewildering commands that are thrown at you in quick succession quite often have a tendency to make you dizzy, but are finally picked up. Soon heads begin to come up, with eyes off your feet, and a noticeable amount of pride is taken in the marching of your company, especially when fortunate enough to have the band within hearing.