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After a week of processing, which includes the first series of immunization shots necessary, you are assigned to a certain company, and along with all the others who came in with you, move en masse to Boomtown, where you begin basic training in earnest. Here the barracks are quite a bit smaller, and you begin to feel a little less an impersonal part of everything that is going on. Three days after one group moves into the new area, it is called out, marched in a parade, and reviewed by Colonel F. U. McCoskrie, the commanding officer of the Fort. From that day on, after realizing how bad their drilling is, and knowing how it reflects upon the company as a whole, even more time is spent by the girls practicing about faces, right and left flanks, and many of the other more difficult movements required for a snappy looking and precise company who can win the blue banner, which is awarded the review champions.
Five weeks of work and play indoctrinate the former civilian woman into a real Wac, proud of her uniform and proud of being a part of the greatest outfit in the world. She looks better, feels better, and already has a much broader outlook upon life, no matter what her former mode of living has been. She learns to get along with all sorts of people at all times, for there never was a truer saying than, "Nobody has less privacy than a Private". She sleeps in a barracks with 25 or 50 other girls, she eats in mess halls feeding 100 or more, she plays games and drills with other members of her company, or just sits in the barracks or day room talking,