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WACs Get Big "Kick" Out of Picture Story in L. B. Paper
Our Long Beach WACs can sit back like the "pride of Jackson County" now they have come into their own. Did all of you see the society page of the Long Beach Press-Telegram on Sunday, Nov. 26? A bunch of mighty pretty pictures of our sister-soldiers here, as well as a story giving them full credit for the grand job they are doing.
The WAC Detachment has inhaled slightly to make a little more room, and gladly welcomes another newcomer. She is Pvt. Dorothy Lobell, whose specialty is Finance, arriving here from the 3rd Group at Romulus Mich. We'd say you chose just the right time of year, Dottie. No more slush and snow.
Quite a number of empty beds can be noted in the barracks as seven WACs have scattered to all points on furloughs. These lucky girls are Pvts. Rae Ronstead, Lillian Craig, Midge Coviello, Clela Hawkey, Vivian Wilson, Helen Walker, and Elaine Warming.
We wish to extend our sympathy to Pvt. Inetta Boschke, who was called home because of the serious illness of her sister. Sure hope she's better, "Chick."
That strangely-white pup running around the area really is still the same old Roz. It seems that First Sgt. Nancy Tutt finally cornered him one day last week and dunked him in a tub of soapsuds. One thing about Palm Springs, you don't have to worry about his rolling in any stray mud puddles, after being freshly laundered. But did you put any starch in his ears?
Ask Pvts. Mary Fjetland and Mary Comstock about enlisting in the first Women's Cavalry Unit in the U. S. They were recruited by a Senator from Washington, D. C., a personal representative of the President, according to his story. It seems he needs 10,000 women and he "steals them from anybody." But what a strange place in which to be recruiting!
Pvt. Mary Leonard is hoping her latest song will reach the right ears. Title — "I'm Dreaming of a Stripe Christmas." She is getting quite a few echoes around here, too.

JINX IS MAKING GOOD. A welcome letter came in a recent mail from JINX [[?]] the baby of the OWAA and now doing publicity with [[?]].
Air Command at Palm Springs, California. Army life must be just the thing [[?]]Jinx as she says she has gained 14 pounds since she signed up with the W[[?]]. She tells me that she is learning to fly and also has become much intere [[?]]photography. Just now she is trying to wangle a plane ride to New York for the annual meeting there in late February. Hope the little rascal [[?]]. She writes;
"I'm still doing the same job, writing publicity for the Army, although [[?]] a different locale now. This is my first trip to California, and while [[?]] Springs is nice and warm and sunny, I do miss seeing trees and a few str[[?]]and then, Sand and cactus are definitely not my idea for a steady diet [[?]] However, the mountains are covered with snow now, and very beautiful. [[?]] should be sone good trout streams in them somewhare, but haven't been a[[?]] discover any of them yet." 

Transcription Notes:
Bottom section has right side slightly cut off.