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Women's Army Corps Veterans Association
1806 North Danville Street
Arlington VA 22201
12 May 1985
Deborah G. Douglas
Dear Debbie:
By this time I feel we are old friends!
I have waited until today to send your refund so that I could also tell you of the members who were interested in your project.
Several of our members served with the Air Corps as AIR WACs. When the Air Corps became the Air Force, depending on the work they were doing, they either stayed as a WAC, or transferred to the Air Force as a WAF.

Ann Allen and Janet Rasmussen were particularly interested. Ann Allen is presently doing research on a different area of the women in service. I do hope they get in touch with you.

[[right margin]] $5,000 fellowship [[/right margin]]

My own experience was with the Signal Corps as a cryptographer in New Guinea and Manila.

[[right margin]] trained at Ft. Monmouth, NJ 1st class of ♀ (as result, other ♀ sent through.) [[/right margin]]

Our National convention is in Orlando, Florida, in September. 

Our May and June meetings will be taken up by business, and we do not meet in July or August. We will install our new officers at a luncheon meeting in September. If you are interested I will send you a notice. I am also the Editor of our chapter newspaper. Thank you for your interest in our Association.

Beth Reilly
Elizabeth A. Reilly (Miss)

[[note]] The WAC organization is reviving as ♀ are becoming more involved in a support, "old-girls" network of not just WACs but other ♀ in the military. [[/note]]

[[note]] Following War, she went to work for Pentagon as a cryptographer until retirement 70 years later. 
top secret clearance[[/note]]