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because of Pearl Harbor, E. W. Wiggins flight operations moved part of their operations to Orange, Mass. My students were from Massachusetts of Technology, Harvard, Northeastern, and Tufts College.

In September 1942 I received a telegram from Nancy Love inviting me to join the Wafs, Women's Auxiliary Ferrying Squadron at New Castle Army Air Base, Delaware. I jumped at the chance by return telegram answering in the affirmative. I had all the requirements except "horsepower rating". For that I went to Concord, New Hampshire, checked out in a Cessna 145, and received my required rating.

After a few days rest at home in Winchester, Mass. with my sister and mother, I reported to Nancy Love on September 30, 1942 for service with the 2ND Ferrying Group Air Transport command.

Although all of the original WAFS had over 500 hundred hours of flying time, many hours of cross country time, and many had been instructors, we still had to be checked out in the Air Force planes which were L-2 Taylorcrafts and PT-19 Fairchild. This month's training included groud school [[crossed out]]whichas[[/crossed out]] which was just a review of everything we knew as we all had Commercial Licenses.

Once we completed the month's training, then we started doing what we came for- ferrying the airplanes from factory to training fields all over the United States, but mainly to the Southeast as that area held the perponderance of traing schools.