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National Air and Space Museum [[Logo]] Smithsonian Institution
Washington, D.C. 20560

November 7, 1985
Mrs. Gertrude S. Tubbs
2710 4th Avenue West
Bradenton, Florida 33505

Dear Mrs. Tubbs: 

I wanted to let you know that your photographs arrived at the Museum. It is a wonderful collection with only a couple duplicating pictures already in the collection. I have submitted a photo order which will have negatives and copies of all the new prints made up. When the order is returned to me (2-4 weeks), I will get them in the mail immediately. Thank you for lending them to us!

I have contacted the television stations and hope they will be able to find the interview tape. Thank you for checking this out. I hope you were able to locate the Crane books through inter-library loan. 


Deborah G. Douglas
Aeronautics Department