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This "obituary" outline was originally put together by the American Institute of Physics. I often used the attached version for interviewing people because it covers most of the important material. There are still a few questions left to cover and I have listed them below.

There are a could of ways you might respond to these questions. Choose whichever is easiest for you then send the material back to me in the enclosed envelope. 1. You have the option of writing your answers directly on these sheets or attaching additional sheets. 2. If you own a tape recorder, you might consider responding to these questions orally. I would than make a transcript of the "interview," copies of which would be available to you, the 99s, the museum or whoever else you might choose to designate. (NB: You also have the option of keeping the material confidential.)

I appreciate any material or information that you may choose to offer. Thanks.


What is your sense of women's contribution and participation in aviation in the past?
What historical figures in aviation stand out in you mind?
What are the important things that women have done in aviation?
What are the things that you've been able to accomplish in the aviation world?
What are the stereotypes of women in aviation?
To what extent are you aware of minority women in aviation?
Are organizations such as the 99s important for women in aviation other than providing a "flying fraternity" for women?