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King, B.G. Functional Cockpit Design, A talk presented at the annual meeting of the Institute of Aeronautical Sciences, Daniel & Florence Guggenheim Aviation Safety Center, Cornell University (Jan) 1952

Morant, G.M. and Ruffell-Smith, H.P.: Body Measurements of Pilots and Cockpit Dimensions, RAF Institute of Aviation Medicine Flying Personnel Research Committee, 684 (Dec) 1947

Morant, G.M.: The Choice of Subjects Acting at Mock-up Trials of Pilots Cockpits and Gun Turrets, Flying Personnel Research Committee, 596, Grt. Britain, Air Ministry (Oct 21) 1944

Fitts, P.M. Psychology and Aircrafts Design, 447.

Stieglitz, W.I: Cockpit Design & Safety, 1952

DeHaven, H: The Site, Frequency and Dangerousness of Injury Sustained by 800 Survivors of Light Plane Accidents 

[[strikethrough]] [[?]], Bryce & Fitts, P.M: The [[strikethrough]]