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Engineering Division 49
Memorandum Report No. ENG-695-32-N
4 March 1944


Test of Other Intermediate Flying Clothes Under Similar Flying Conditions.

Clothes Tested:
Blue, bent-knee, quilt lined pants.
OD, dark brown alpaca lined jacket.
A-6 boots, AAF #11 gloves, intermediate helmet.
"Pink" trousers and shirt, light underwear. 

Actual Conditions:
7°C for one hour between 5000 and 10,000 feet.
Moderate wind.
Slight activity.
Subject in gunner's seat in A*25.

All clothes tested adequate at temperature and duration of test. 
non-WASP clothing (helmet, boots, gloves,) OK also. 

Quilted pantlegs twist in leg on sitting.
Knitted cuffs good.
Jacket's heavier outer material than other samples seems good.
Jacket pockets inaccessible.
Quilted pants too bulky sitting, standing, and walking.
A-6 boots too bulky for comfortable use in cockpit. 
